To proactively serve and satisfy our customers by improving the cost effectiveness and quality of our products and services by building a team of people who will develop and maintain a quality and service oriented attitude that leads the industry and creates sustainable competitive advantage for Tom Scott Lumber Yard, Inc.
Tom Scott Lumber Yard, Inc was founded on a site in the Macon Community in 1923 as a logging and sawmill operation by Tom Scott Jr. In Tom Scott Lumber’s first year of business, the 10 employees produced 9,000 board feet of pine lumber a day. By 1924, the company had moved further south to the Rockhill Community near what is now the Cypress Springs dam and was working 20 employees cutting hardwood lumber and cross ties.
In 1929, Tom Scott was joined in the business by his brother, Hal Scott. Through the depression years of the 1930’s, the business experienced gradual but continuous growth, and by 1939, the Scotts had three mills in operation, cutting a car load of lumber daily. During those years, the business relocated several times, first to the Huckleberry Community north of Mount Vernon at the fringe of White Oak Creek bottom, then to a site east of Mt. Vernon in 1946.
Tom Scott had three sons named Joe, Pat and Rex. Joe and Pat Scott joined the business in 1937, and Rex began working full time in the business after World War II. The retail portion of the business was added in 1939 with Hal Scott developing the retail hardware line. The mill operation was eventually eliminated in 1963, and the retail portion of the business expanded. The business changed in many ways after that. Pat Scott died the year the sawmill closed, and Hal Scott died in 1974 at the age of 80. Founder Tom Scott died in 1977 at the age of 85. Joe Scott retired in 1983, and Rex Scott in 1985.
The business incorporated in 1980 with two new partners joining; Rex’s son, Larry Scott, and his daughter’s husband, Larry Billings. The addition of the Ace Hardware line of merchandise was added in January of 1987. Larry Scott and Larry Billings moved the business in 1988 to a superior location in Mt. Vernon located just south of Interstate 30. The new facility has lead to continual growth in Northeast Texas.
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